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Category: Health

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes in Children

5 Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes in Children

Diabetes mellitus is a condition that occurs when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin, which is required to turn sugar into an energy form usable by cells. Without insulin, sugar remains in the bloodstream. High …
Symptoms of Fatty Liver Disease

5 Signs and Symptoms of Fatty Liver Disease

Medically known as steatohepatitis, fatty liver disease is a condition in which there is an excessive amount of fat in the liver, the body’s largest internal organ. The condition can be caused by alcohol consumption …
How to Create a Diet to Lower Cholesterol

How to Create a Diet to Lower Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fatty substance found throughout the body. While some cholesterol is necessary to digest foods and manufacture vitamin D and certain hormones, individuals who have high cholesterol are at an increased risk of …
Symptoms and Signs of Gum Disease

5 Warning Symptoms and Signs of Gum Disease

Gum disease, also sometimes referred to as periodontitis, is a serious condition that requires proper treatment. With gum disease, bacteria begin growing in the mouth, leading to damage of the gums and tissues around an …
Most Common Causes of Nausea

5 Most Common Causes of Nausea

Nausea is characterized as a feeling of discomfort and queasiness in the stomach, and it can occur with or without an urge to vomit. While nausea is not a disease itself, it is a recognized …
How to Prevent Nighttime Acid Reflux

How to Prevent Nighttime Acid Reflux

Thousands of people are constantly looking for ways to prevent nighttime acid reflux. While this condition can occur at any time of day, for many, acid reflux more common at night and, in fact, may …
What to Eat When You Have Diabetes

What to Eat When You Have Diabetes

One of the toughest parts of diabetes is knowing what to eat. There’s no one-size-fits-all meal plan. However, controlling the carbohydrates you consume is essential to keep your blood glucose within the desired levels. For …
Signs and Symptoms of Polio

5 Signs and Symptoms of Polio

Polio (poliomyelitis) is a severe illness caused by a virus called poliovirus. The majority of polio cases are asymptomatic or occur without noticeable symptoms. There are two classifications of symptomatic polio: paralytic and non-paralytic. Poliovirus …
Causes of Kidney Pain

5 Most Common Causes of Kidney Pain

The kidneys are the bean-shaped organs located in the middle of the back on either side of the spine. Kidneys contain thousands of tiny filters that remove substances from the blood for secretion in the …