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Category: Herbs, Spices & Oils

Essential Oils for Bee Stings

4 Essential Oils to Soothe Bee Stings

Did you know that there are some essential oils that can soothe bee stings? With natural oils such as lavender, oregano, and tea tree, among others, we can relieve itching and inflammation in a simple …
Health Benefits of Arnica

Arnica: Uses, Benefits and Contraindications

According to popular literature, the benefits of arnica vary greatly. This is a plant from the family Asteraceae that’s native to Central and Southern Europe, but it’s also present in Asia and North America. You’ve …
Health Benefits of Mango Leaves

6 Science-Based Health Benefits of Mango Leaves

Many people are unaware that mango leaves are edible, even though the fruit of this tree is well known for its flavor, versatility, and nutrition value. In fact, these leaves have many concentrated medicinal compounds. …
Health Benefits of Cardamom

5 Proven Health Benefits of Cardamom

The benefits of cardamom have been documented for hundreds of years. However, it wasn’t until a short time ago that scientific research vouched for these claims. The use of cardamom as a spice is common …